changes to my study programmm

  the changes I would make to study progamme  ¿?.. mmm alright...

If I owned the university: (in a aparallel world)
-First, I would shorten the number of semesters, in my opinion it is extremely long, takes too much time, time that we could use to learn other things more relevant, for example: learn about fees, other idioms by youtube, cooking, tutorials on youtube, learn to install lamps and the other utensils that can be used, idk, set up a desk. 
Also, journalism have very theorist subjects that result boring for a subject is more practic. I would add more subject of reporting, interviews, vocalization, writting, and!!! i would make them mandatory, because there are subjects that are fun but you only have to choose 2, so there are many subjects that I would like to take but they are left out. so sad.
-Second, I would also group the schedules together, so that students do not have "windows" (between classes) and it is a waste of time. sometimes, those of us who live far away we traveled two hours for a three-hour class and then traveled two more hours home.

-In addition, my students would have more choice for recreational subjects, to do things we like among so many classes- for example- fashion classes, cooking classes, game classes, dance classes, among others. thats sound like a good idea right??

- Regarding infrastructure i would invest in more recording equipment, best cameras and a more complete and spacious recording studio. 

and the other hand: there would be accessibility to totally practical subjects, with a lot of street reporting.
maybe they are not big changes but they would make a big change in the students and their desire to attend classes. 
what do you think? ... 


  1. I'm impressed, I thought that journalism had more practical subjects, but it seems there aren't many. And I think your idea of recreational subjects sounds great!

  2. I really like your idea about group schedules! I live far away and it's very sad to have to wait so long.

  3. I agree with having less theoretical classes and more practical classes.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. creative courses would be a very good idea, hopefully they will be implemented in the not too distant future...

  6. I totally agree that a big change would be to shorten the length of the career. Having it be so long is unnecessary.


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