the past is more simple.

 YESSS, I would travel to the past, more easy, the future scares me, not knowing what I will find.

A song that I really like says: I am the present and tomorrow does not yet exist, so, i prefer travel to the past.
if i have to travel to a especific time, mm, i would very much like to live in the medieval time. haha. i think the life was easier: existed the barter, the taverns, the sword maker, the carriage driver, potion maker and several other jobs.

i find very entertaining, I would have liked to have a job like that,They were jobs predetermined by your family, since if your father was a shoemaker, you would be a shoemaker too, but, I would have liked to be multifaceted, idk , a tailor and also a tax collector and make my own swords. haha Also, i think the clothes was very simple (if you were not of the aristocracy).

sometimes (manytimes) i think.. shit, that easy it would be to live that life, its fucking amazing, that is to say... get up at 7 am. and walk around the town looking for a cow to milk or go pick up your sword, also make my owns arrows. Doesnt it sound fun??????

sounds like fun and relaxing, but it wasn´t reality, its just my imagination. The reality it was hard work, the bad harvest- Famine- disease. it wasn't all about milking cows or sharpen blades, nor harvest corn but sounds good. ANYWAYS, i would like to travel to the past, its easier because its something we know, if i travel to the medieval era i would already know that i was going to die of tuberculosis, idk. Add that i would very much like to get drunk in a tavern. omg thats crazy idea, but its my dream to be a drunk of tavern and say: other beer please!!! and be calm in the tavern and that armored knights arrive to give an important message of the king. hahaha i would feel like i was in an episode of the Game Of Thrones.

I think I would have a great time at that time. also, i wouldn't care at all, because at the end i will die and thousands more years will pass and the internet will be invented, and the cars, and the news styles musician, and blah blah blah.


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